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Jūndal nānni yugar wunnal murrumba
ŋurumun; wunnal jikkebele bulkurri ;
karan tjidnendi wunnalpuddi; ŋa duggatin
buddi ŋambillabo yari; "ŋutta ŋinnuba
geraŋgeran ŋadun, berren ŋutta paii yug-
gān. Immanuel yari ; " ŋurriba nuriŋgun
murrumba ŋinta! Ŋinta ŋunna ŋuipunā
ŋwīneūŋga; dujinna inta murrumba."
Berren duggatin umpiŋga Yaairūnubba
bulkurri; yari " nuriŋgun ŋinnuba balūni;
wunna ŋundin yāldu." Immanuel wīna-
ŋurri; yari; "yandai wunna; ŋūndu ŋunna
ŋuipunāŋ wīneūŋga; nuriŋgun ŋinnuba
murrumba paii yugaipa." Burru wunnale
ūmpiŋga bulkurri. Immanuel wunna
duggatina bulgutu ūmpiŋga: ŋūndu Peter
ŋa Yakoba ŋa Yohan, ŋa biŋ pudjaŋ kīn-
nūbba. Ŋambilladu dūŋinnā; yari; "kīn
balluni; kīn balluni." Immanuel yari
"wunna dūŋidū: yugar wunnal ballun,
ŋundu bugankūmbal." ŋambilladu ginden;
wineūŋari balunibēr. Immanuel ŋambil-
lebu kawāne; wunnal kīn murradi māni;
wunnal yambari wunnana; yari; " kin!
bulkurai !" ŋūru wīrepinebu ; wunnal
banka dulpain. Immanuel yari; "tālkūba
wunnanu widda." Biŋ ŋa pujaŋ kurrii.
The woman saw not she able to hide
herself; she shaking came; threw herself
at feet him before, and to the men all said
"I your clothes touched, at once I of
sickness was cured." Immanuel said;
"My daughter good you; you me believing
heard ; enjoy thou good."
Then men of the house of Jairus came;
they said, " Daughter your is dead, do not
more say." Immanuel heard ; he said:
"Fear do not, only me believing hear:
daughter thy well of disease shall be
made." Afterwards they to house came.
Immanuel would not let people come into
house; only Peter and James and John,
and father and mother of the girl. All
were weeping; they said, "The girl is
dead; the girl is dead." Immanuel said
" Do not weep; not she dead ; only asleep
only." All laughed; they knew to be
dead. Immanuel all put out; He the
girl by hand took; He called her, said,
"Damsel! come!" the soul returned,
she soon sat up. Immanuel said "Food
to her give." The father and mother