Item 02: Kamilaroi, and other Australian Languages, by Rev. William Ridley, 2nd ed. (Sydney, 1875) - Page 157

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[Page 157]



" Yanaonyi ƞaiunko wenkinbra."

" Pukeriƞji, jurabaonyi." Yanillawa
wurrigāla. "Ma! jurabaona ƞatēnwalla
yaoalia naiaga tūlūnya."

Kūlala jerabaddi yaoalia ƞatēnwalla;
jerumbaddi murrilaora merero.

Munaoraƞgarila; yaoalia yuinyumbūlo

"Let's go for ants' larvae, women."

"It's hot, let's bathe." They went
close to the bank. "Come on! let's
bathe–you on one side, and you on the
other, I in the middle."

The barbed-spears spear them on this
side and that; the barbed-spears were
sticking up.

They went to join the Munowra (con-
stellation) Wunbula, their husband, on
the other side.

Jerra Thurawaldhery.

Yirrama Karwēr.

Yandi ƞai karwerullago.

Ƞai, yanniƞ kainandha yandhānai.

Kurmunnū, biaƞaly.

Wunnomainbala kurwery; kurma
biaƞaly ƞobimāta.

Kullymirgaia, biaƞalywal, ƞobimata

Yandhānai mumbaianai, kūbaia yirra-

Ƞaindhānai wurri nadjongo, ūndhumaia

Jellunjūranadthanai; yangundaianai;
nanyǐnajellanai, yallumbūnyainoi yangun-

Jauagūnalaia, yallumbunga, yangun-
dabillajaia. Jauia warry jaulajilaia,
yangundibbala jella.

Jaugūnalaia war-ry bobaradha. Ya
jauiānabūlgo thobararalunbilla, ye maunda

A Thuracal Story.

The Spirit of the Fig Tree.

" I am going for wild figs."

" Very well; go; go on; start away."

Net, basket.

He picked the figs; filled net and

Cut more bangaly for basket, and filled
them with figs.

The spirit comes ; catches him; swal-
lows him.

Takes him to the water, drinks, spits
out again.

Looks back; tickles him; looks at him,
comes back and tickles him again.

Goes away: comes back and tickles
him again. A long way goes, comes back
and tickles him again.

Goes a very long way to the mountains.
He gets up, runs to the sea, and jumps
in; the spirit very near catches him.

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