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[Page 154]
Glückstrunn, February 1830.
The following information is derived from Mr Weiss & H. Swaine.
In their Factory, at this place, about four hundred persons, Men Women and Children, are employed. The Wool Combers are the best paid they earn from 1s/- to 1s/6d per day.
Messrs W & S have another Establishment, of nearly equal extent, in Prussia. They buy their Wool in the fleece, and sort, comb, and spin it into Yarn, which is then sold to the Weavers, who make it up into Merinos. This fabric is both improving and increasing in Germany. They dispose of the largest quantity of Yarn, to Manufacturers at Vienna. The highest price they pay for Wool, is about 2s/ per lb in fleece. They have no difficulty
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