[Page 109]
But Sheep Proprietors, in general, are now content to breed with their own crossbred rams. They fear to diminish the weight of their fleeces, in improving the quality, & besides, unwilling to incur expense, at the present low prices of Wool.
Mr Meyer is of opinion, that the reduced price of Wool, is not so much attributable to increase of quantity, as to the return to Peace prices, from the unnatural elevation, to which all things, but, especially Wool, were forced by the late War. He thinks Wool at 20d pr lb will pay the German farmer, (at all events the Polish) better than anything else he can produce, & is of the opinion, that the repeal of the English Corn Laws, would have no effect upon the production of Wool. So far from the production of Corn, having been diminished in quantity, by the introduction of fine