Item 02: Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett articles on the Gallipoli campaign, 1915 - Page 231
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[Page 231]
Incidents Of The Campaign.
E. Ashmead-Bartlett
Of all the Wars I have ever followed, this Campaign in Gallipoli is the most instructive and interesting to follow, and is the fullest in strange Contrasts and Anomalies. The interest never palls even when the major Operations come to a standstill from time to time, and both Armies glare at one another across the odd hundred yards of Tom Tidler's ground, that separates the trenches. The reason is found in the strange and most unusual chacarter of the Struggle, and also in the constant cooperation between the Army and the Navy. You have in fact, a doubleCampaign on Land and Sea to follow, which adds enormously to the interest.
There is a unique opportunity of comparing the two services, and of watching the differences in their methods, morale, and general outlook on life. In the past, there has always been a great deal of concealed jealousy between the two, chiefly owing to the fact that the one has never had a real chance of becoming intimately acquainted with the other, on active Service. Perhaps, instead of jealousy, one may substitute a spirit of healthy rivalry. The average Soldier envies the lot of the Sailor, who he will argue, always has his Ship to return to at night, and his Meals at regular hours, and never has to endure the horrible personal discomforts, which beset his comrade in the Trenches. The Sailor on the other hand, will take a different view. He will argue that the physical Labour he gets through in the day, is infinitely greater than that of the Soldier in the Trenches. That the Soldier often gets long spells