Item 02: Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett articles on the Gallipoli campaign, 1915 - Page 117
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[Page 117]
[Text incorporates handwritten corrections by E.A.B.]
4th AIB. Bd Gen Monash moved up the spurs north og the Aghyl Dere fork 92.Y.1 its objective being Koja Chemen Tepe. Country eXceedingly difficult and intricate and progress slow in face of opposition. 29th Indian Brigade advanced up the Agyl Dere South Fork and spurs to north of it, its objective being Hill Q S.8I.A.2.
At dawn 4th AIB. was on line of the Asma Dere 92 P.U.-93 k. Q.7. The 29th I.B. on a ridge west of the farm 80.F.8. and along the spurs to north east.
Cox then ordered Monash to collect his Bde leaving half batn on line Asma Dere and to assault Koja Chemen Tepe giving him the 14th Sikhs from 29th I.B.. Two battns were placed at Cox's disposal to enable him to consolidate position on Main Ridge. Fatigue and opposition prevented assault from being carried out.
Forces detailed to hold No 3 section less Courtenys Post and 4 Sect did all in power to hold enemy in his defences and draw his fire during night 6th 7th of Aug. This was done by means of rifle a fire and bombs which kept enemy on qui vive all night and drew heavy fire from him.
From 4 Section exceptional heavy bombardment of Turk trenches in front of Russel's Pope's Hill Quin's Post took place all available guns assisted by ships being engaged from 4 to 4-30 am also heavy rifle and machine gun fire. At 4am an assault by 8th Light Horse
was delivered from trenches on Russels Top against the enemy's trenches on and dominating the Nek. 80.N.8. (Attack fails under terrific rifle and machine gun fire) Simultaneously two assaults were delivered from posts in No 3 Section. From Quinns 2nd A.L.H. assaulted trenches