Aborigines of Van Diemen's Land, 1830-1840 - Page 96
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the Squire but in Sweden Herremanden, thus placing the article at the end.
I have put down the words as I found them, but to meet the correct pronunciation we should add the soft h where any word ends with an a.The name of the chief of Cape Portland is generally written "Manalarguna", but the true way of spelling it would be "Mannalargunah".
The scantiness of the materials in my possession have not allowed me to supply the reader with so complete a vocabulary as I otherwise could have wished, but probably some an Antiquary or Linguist may find sufficient to enable him to trace some a similitude with some other language, and thus enable assist him to in tracing the probable origin of the languages spoken by the natives of Van Diemen's Land, or rather now by the remnant which has been removed to Flinder's Island. # Here insert the paper marked X X
As to any religion among the Aborigines of Van Diemen's Land it is difficult to say whether they entertain the slightest notion of it whatever, nothing has been elicited from them to give reason to believe that they profess any sort of creed, or trouble themselves about anything in the form of religion. They certainly have no religious rites. They however in each of the three languages have a