Aborigines of Van Diemen's Land, 1830-1840 - Page 177
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The Affidavit of McMinn evidently commutt commits a mistake, Tom Birch was not hanged. His native name was
Kikadepola, and he belonged to the Abbysinia tribe. It was "Black Jack" that was hanged with Mosquito; he was of the tribe of Tupelanta, [indecipherable] of the Oyster Bay tribe. Had the [indecipherable] were executed for murdering an inoffensive native of Othaheite of the name of Momar, at Grindstone Bay, and spearing Radford, a stock holder at the same place. It is greatly regretted that the Governor of New South Wales did not exercise the utmost rigour of the Law against Moskito when he and "Bull dog", both natives of Broken Bay when he cut a child out of the womb of the mother. They were both transported to Norfolk Island, where "Bull dog" died, and Musquito was brought to this island, when Hugh McGuiness arrived here in 1893. Musquito was long stock keeper to Mr Kimberly of Antill's Bonds. Musquito had a very fine wife of the Oyster B handsome woman for a wife. She commonly went under the name of "Gooseberry".
Thomas Anstey Esq.
Etc etc etc
Police Magistrate
J Burnett