Aborigines of Van Diemen's Land, 1830-1840 - Page 55
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[Page 55]
B 3.
B Major Douglas's Reports.
C. Reports etc. of the Commissariat Officers
D. Names of different parties out on the line.
E. Miscilaneous letters and reports.
No. 12. Suggestions relative to the Capture of the Natives.
No. 13. Answers given by letters, and others, to certain questions submitted to them by the Aboriginal Committee
No. 14. Papers relative to the Sydney Natives used in the capture of the Natives of this island.
No. 15. Reports respecting the eligibility of Brune Island for an establishment for the Aborigines.
No. 16. Papers relative to the two aboriginal boys detained by Mr Batman.
No. 17. Miscellaneous papers, including
Major Abbotts reports
C. Sternling's Reports
Reports from of Mr Gunn and others respecting the death of an Aboriginal at Emu Bay.