Aborigines of Van Diemen's Land, 1830-1840 - Page 127
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The Hordes which infest the Bush around Michael Howe's Marsh and the Lakes, and the places to the Westward of his station are, I am told, more numerous, bold, and hardy, that those to the Eastward - but [indecipherable] of the former Tribes frequently pass across to Oyster Bay, and are confounded, [indecipherable] the Settlers, the local Tribes.
I will proceed to act with vigour, the moment the reinforcements of Troops arrives here.
I have the honour to be Sir,
Your most obedient
Humble Servant
Ths Anstey
Police Magistrate
The Honble
John Burnett Eq
Colonial Secretary
P.S. I ought to add that the Government will receive the active aid of every man, capable of bearing arms, in this District.
His Excellency expressed his approbation of Mr Anstey's plan, stating: "Inform Mr Anstey in reply, that I have fully considered his communication, and that the plan he projects very little differs from that which I have had already contemplated etc. etc.