Aborigines of Van Diemen's Land, 1830-1840 - Page 53
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No. 7 Reports and Journals of Roving parties.
A. Reports of Police Magistrates respecting Roving parties, and other matters.
B. Mr Batman's reports.
C. Mr. Cottrell's reports.
D. Mr Jorgen Jorgenson's reports
E. Constable Danver's reports.
F. Reports and Journals of various Roving parties.
Note. Mr Gilbert Robertson's reports and journals have been sent to Government House.
No. 8 Application, and offers of service from Individuals to be employed offers in the pursuit of, or otherwise connected with the Natives.
No. 9. Reports of Mr Jackson, of the Cutter Charlotte respecting the Islands in the Straits
No. 10. Application for indulgences or rewards for services performed with reference to the Natives.
No. 11 Papers connected with Campaign after the natives in 1830.
A. Proceedings of and letters written by the Lieutenant Governor.