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[Page 15]

[margin note : half obscured note from previous page]

his forgiveness of temper. [indecipherable] I say as these qualities came to be understood & appreciatived ment, they gradually brought about a change in the mind  of the Colonists, and when the  Lieutenant Governor invited the masses to take the field, his call was answered with the utmost alacrity cheerfulness, and the personal  good-will every one now harboured towards His Excellency was not less a cause of such numerous and respectable gentlemen and settlers taking the field, as a sense of danger and a  patriotic feeling  patriotic feeling. We I  From  the universal only slightly touch upon this subject in this place, as I shall afterwards, when alluding  to Colonel Arthur's Administration  

[Transcriber's note : following four lines are indecipherable]

under the Crown of Great Britain, but has within a very few years advanced the prosperity of the Colony in an unexampled degree within a very few years.

Admidst this universal concurrence of opinion so favourable to Colonel Arthur's government and character both public and private - Amidst the dangers which pressed upon the Colonists from the barbarous aggressions of an ungrateful and treacherous race of beings, One solitary individual alone stood aloof &                                                                                                                                                 





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