Aborigines of Van Diemen's Land, 1830-1840 - Page 191
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The forces in the field amounted to about two thousand. Each division consisted of a number of sections of ten each, the whole under the command of some military officer, except the Oatlands division which were all civilians and the military being intermixed, except the Oatlands division, which were all civilians.
It was a most gratifying sight to see a master, a gentleman of property, walking onwards, with his own convict servants, accoutred in a Bush dress, and encumbered with his Knapsack full of provisions.
The convicts engaged in the expedition amounted to 738, to these were added a number of prisoners employed in the Roving parties, or as constables. The number of the leaders of the sections amounted to 119 - accompanied each by an experienced guide, The free civilians who acted a common part in the Line were 139 in number. To this mass must be added the