
71  56
Southern language

Unee Fire
Bena me or mine, [??]
Vena You
Nara They he her, them or that
Nieka This or here.
Neta Other
[C]rackena Stand, sit, stop or stay -
Tackany Go -
[C]apree See
[?]annta Long way or long time
Parranapry Bye& bye - soon
Pootin No!
Rargeropper Devil
[?]arty Bad
[?]unapee To know
{P]alewaredin Black man
[?]umeraredia White-man
Lubra Woman

It ia to be regretted that one of the best

vocabularies before me mixes up the three languages indiscriminately. It does not assign the
words for either any one by itself. I should imagine that they the words chiefly belong to the southern tribes, which maybe
partially collected from examining the words those contained
In the accounts of the Eastern and Western languages.

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Ready for review