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[Page 27]
[Text incorporates handwritten corrections by E.A.B.]by a formidable waistbelt similar to that warn by the Monitors. It has not improved their appearance for the protection is kind of hung from their sides by steel stanchions and wire ropes. They look as if they had just survived a terrible gale in which most of their fittings had been washed away. These old cruisers of the Sir W White epoch have been born again. They and the Monitors fear no submarine. It is true that they have not yet been attacked or at least struck by a torpedo, and no one will venture an opinion as to what would happen if they were, but their fat round sides give much the same appearance of solidity and security as you get when contemplating the Aldermen at a City Dinner.
The big Monitors are as steady as a rock at sea but they are no beds of roses for the coal dust penetrates everywhere and they are almost impossible to keep clean. When they fire their huge guns the concussion blows great clouds of smoke and flame from the funnel smothering everything astern. They are not really ships at all but floating gun platforms. Nevertheless they serve their purpose well and as an experiment have proved a great success. You have some strange experiences if you try and board one in a rough sea. The waves break over the projecting sides just below the surface causing a long line of raging surf. Unless you are very careful before you know where you are you may be washed ashore figuratively speaking. That is to say yuou are cast up on the break water and likely to be dashed to pieces against the sides.
Many a time have cocswains unsuspecting the existance of this submarine protection dashed their bows against it to their immense chagrin and astonishment. Thus gradually throughout the month of July our new fleet assembled ready to land the new army and assist its efforts to break through the Turkish lines. It was a marvelous transformation to bring about in such a short space of time. It gave you a real glimpse of our huge marine resources and of the ability of our Navy to meet any new situation which may be suddenly thrust upon them. Of the great part played by the Navy in the landing at Soulva Bay and in the subsecquent operations but little had been written up to the present.
[Image pages 28 to 35 are a version of the 'New Armada' , pages 22 to 27, with some minor changes to the text, and have not been reproduced]
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