State Library of NSW
[Page 118]
[Text incorporates handwritten corrections by E.A.B.]inspite of many difficulties and in face of a heavy rifle and machine gun fire. Leading line suffered severely and O.C exercised wise discretion in discontinuing assault. From Pope's Post 1st A.L.H. moving out round flanks of post delivered an assault and succeeded in reaching third line of enemy's trenches. About 100 yards of these were held for two hours but then counter attacks forced troops to withdraw as they could not be adequately supported. Severe loss was inflicted on emeny and objective namely to hold him in his trenches was achieved. Our losses heavy Lt.Col. A Miell 9 A.L.H. and Col A White 8th A.L.H. were killed.Situation at 3-30 pm August 7th was as follows Johnson's column on Rhodendrum Spur and Ridge, 29th I.B. on Farm Ridge and Spurs to north east 4th A.I B.on the line of Asma Dere.The R.C.F in occupation of Big Table Top, Old No 3 Post and Bauchop Hill. Russell ordered to hold this line with two regiments Mounted Rifles and to assemble two Regiments and Maori Contingent to move as required
L.C.F. (Travers) in occupation of Damakjelik Bair Forces in No 3 and 4 Sections in occupation original lines having lost severely and all men were very tired. I therefore decided [see note] to halt on these positions and wait until nightfall before attempting to gain footing on Main Ridge (Sari Bair) Fighting severe throughout day, Turks showed little inclination to retire from low ground between Sari Bair Ridge and sea.
[Line, "I therefore decided", raises question of whether Ashmead Bartlett was the author]
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