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Peaceful Mission
In 1829, the conciliatory mission took twelve Aborigines from Richmond jail six of whom who had been captured by Mr Gilbert Robertson. Four of these were attached to the mission and eight were left [indecipherable] Mr Robinson's house Eumara, the famous [indecipherable] of the Stony Creek tribe was engaged in [indecipherable] bush with the mission, and in his Chieftainship was succeeded by his brother [indecipherable] Languna, meaning [indecipherable] foot". - Six were taken at Brune island four of whom accompanied Mr Robinson.
The peaceful party of whites then proceeded in January] 1830 to Port Davy, whence thence to Macquarie harbour, the Piemans' River to Sandy Cape, and then Cape Grim. Many tribes were met with, and liberally supplied with Blankets, Bread, and trinkets, except those about Piemans' River, who absolutely refused to have anything to do with the white people.
Three were captured at Cape Grim, the Chief of Robins island, his wife and his brother.
endoadicka' (the Chief, "Narraga" the female and brother's name "Peewee" (meaning a bird).