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The Colonial Secretary was then directed to address a letter to Mr Anstey, and Circulars to all the other Police Magistrates. The letter to Mr Anstey expressed ran thus:
"Colonial Secretary's Office
2nd April 1830
I am directed to express to you, in the strongest terms, The Lieutenant Governor's approbation of your zealous exertions, in regulating and directing the Parties who have for some time past been employed in protecting the settled Districts against the aggressions of the Aboriginal Natives, and to convey to you, His Excellency's thanks for the trouble you have taken.
As it is intended to make some change in the present system of employing these Parties, and to divide the anxiety, responsibility, and trouble which has hitherto fallen solely on yourself with the other Police Magistrates, making each answerable for the security of his respective District, and for the men who are placed under his charge I am directed to request that you will send in to me a nominal Return of all the men who are at present employed on this service, at the same time, stating how many you may require for your immediate district.
J Burnett
Thomas Anstey Esq
&c &c &c
Police Magistrate