State Library of NSW
[Page 139]
Other steps were also taken to ensure success. A number of highly respectable settlers were induced to be sworn in as Special Constables, which gave them as power, in some manner, to watch narrowly the proceedings of the roving bands, to direct them to places where the Blacks had been lately seen, and to afford other necessary instructions. #
The movements of the armed parties were intended to facilitate, and stand in connexion with the conciliatory mission. Governor Arthur's sagacious mind could easily suggested to him that no friendly mission could ex hope for the slightest success, unless the Aborigines were in some way made to understand the difference between peace and war, - and that the choice should be left to themselves.
Martial law was proclaimed as far as regarded the Aborigines, and those engaged against them. But in conforming with the humane intentions
[Margin note] # A great portion of the military were also distributed throughout the colony, and stationed in Stock huts most exposed to the Attacks of the hostile Aborigines.
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