State Library of NSW
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creatures of their illgotten booty, which so enraged the tribe that they made an attack on the hut, and in great numbers surrounded it, so that the inmates could not make their escape. Dunn, a desperate bushrangers was at the time in the hut or came accidently down. He shot one of the tribe who then dispersed in all directions.
Not far from Mr Thomson's hut was an elderly scots Scotchman named Scott, and of a very quiet and inoffensive disposition. He had for upwards of four years been on the most friendly terms with the natives, so much so that when he was cautioned on the day that Dunn killed one of the Aborigines, he almost took offence at the bare supposition that he could be treacherously used by those with whom he had for a length of time shared his provisions, and even spurned the Idea of carrying with him a musquet. Next morning however the Blacks too fatally retaliated on a friend their friend Scott the murder on of one of their tribe befor the day before. Had they confined their revenge to Mr Thomson's men and Dunn they must have stood excused.
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