Aborigines of Van Diemen's Land, 1830-1840 - Page 221

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[Page 221]

three spears and a waddy, and the women standing behind with a great number of spears on their backs. Not less than one hundred and fifty six dogs were sweeping along, and had the chief given the signal, the whites and the peaceful blacks would have been speared on the spot, and devoured by the ferocious dogs, the howls of which was truly appalling.

McGeary observed to Mr Robinson " I think we shall soon be in the resurrection," and the latter replied "I think we shall".

The Chief then advanced about sixty or seventy yards a head of the tribe, and asked the party who they were, being struck to see th at seeing them without guns. The reply was "we are gentlemen". They asked, "where are your guns?" - the party said "we have none". The Chief again inquired where are your Pick-a-ni-nies" (meaning pistols)?  The same reply as before.

Tupelantu, the man who on a former occasion lost his hand by a man vermin trap, appeared to be second in command. Limina Bungena was with the mission, and thirteen other Blacks, and were far more frightened than the whites, they

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