State Library of NSW
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" : discriminate slaughter, and under circumstances of great barbarity and cruelty.* But at the same time we are obliged compelled, for the public security, to record the above transactions, we can not withhold that had common vigilance been exercised practiced, few or no murders could have been committed. - Most of the outrages have been perpetrated because the indolence and carelessness of servants, would not permit them to carry arms, although arms had been allowed them; It is and in many instances cowardice on the part of such have rendered the Blacks bold and daring in some instances - bold only in proportion to the Cowardice displayed. It is well known that the Aborigines of this island, although of an ungrateful and treacherous of disposition, are a Timid race. There is not a single instance on record that they have dared to assail two armed-men, if resistance has been offered; and even one armed man, boldly presenting first to them, has succeeded in intimidating them, provided he directed his piece at them any one of them coming closer without firing, for if firing, they would rush on him ere he had time to reload. [indecipherable]
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