State Library of NSW
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taught that there is danger in the way, but what that danger is they cannot define, and man are is ever pron prone to magnify that of which they have he professes no precise Idea. As the midnight owl hovers over some indistinct island object. Let Emigrants of property and respectability before leaving England interest themselves with the [indecipherable] Government to afford some assistance for the protection of the settlements and the lives of the inhabitants - let them come out here properly prepared - and let them keep their servants always upon the alert - never to leave the huts without arms in their hands, and see that their ammunition is kept in proper order and not wasted on firing at kangaroos and Oppossums and then there is no danger, or at most very little.
I have already observed that my intention is not to enter upon subjects already sufficiently well known to the English readers, as exhibited in the various publications written on the state of the Colonies and of New South Wales and Van Dieman's land, but nevertheless I shall in this narrative embrace every obj other object which may to be me appear serviceable to the community at large, and necessary for the elucidation of the various topics
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