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Most L of C units were left in Egypt, some however were brought forward to Lemnos. Casualty clearing stations also were established on Anzac Beach.
All Light Horse Brigades were brought over dismounted, their horses, splendid animals most of them being left in Egypt with suffency of men to look after them.

It can be truthfully said that a more efficient division has rarely been sent to the Front. British officers of the Imperial service are and have been unanimous in their praises of the troops for their dash and gallantry. The covering force to the landing on the 25th April was composed of the 3rd Brigade.

They were followed by the First Brigade and then the 2nd Brigade, - the 400 Mateau [Plateau] now famous for the "Lone Pine" and Johnson's Folly" positions, was soon gained and detachments of intrepid Australians fought forwards towards Kodja Derr. whence alas few returned. Of one party of thirty, I believe they belonged to the 4th Battalion, only 5 returned.

The Heights known as "Battleship Hill" and Baby 700" were also gained by detachments of various battalions, some of whom are even said to have reached Sari Bair (971), but from lack of numbers and want of reinforcements these detachments were eventually driven back. On the third day the New Zealand Infantry Brigade, less half of the Wellington Regiment were sent up to the left flank to try and make good "The neck", when a collection of detachments of various battalions of the Australian

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