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who have fallen in the numerous local attacks on these positions. Yet inspite of the enemy's proximity you do not see a man and at times you believe the positions must be deserted. The Turk is taught before all else to keep concealed so that his real numbers shall never be accurately known but a short time ago just when the Australians were chafing at their inactivity were wondering if he was still in their front in any strength, he involuntarily gave himself away.

One of our aeroplanes passed over his lines firing very low. This was too much for the stolid Ottoman infantry who rising in their trenches poured rolley after volley at the intrepid airman. It was then see that every line of trench was fairly bristling with bayonets showing the importance which the enemy attach to the position. The Anzac position is frequently exposed to heavy shell fire from 11inch 9in and smaller guns. There is one gun especially well known to the Colonials and with which they are longing to have a reckoning. It knows all the ranhes [ranges] accurately and is able to open on any part of the position.

The shelling of the beach still continues from Gaba Tepe and also from a four gun battery behind a ridge of hills covering the bay of Anafarta. We have never yet been able to silence these guns but the damage done is small although the annoyance is great. Amongst the other difficulties the Colonials cheerfully face is the great labour involved in conveying stores ammunition and above all water to the fire trenches. The whole position is arid unculivatable barren ground on which nothing will grow except srubb and stunteded trees and water is scarce. Wells have been sunk by miners to a great depth and a certain supply is obtainable from this source but

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