Aborigines of Van Diemen's Land, 1830-1840 - Page 83
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have seen were not pointed with bone; or anything sharp. The spear is thrown without the help of a Wamara, and there as is the case in New South Wales, and therefore does less execution.
I have elsewhere offered some observations on languages generally, and with reference to the Aboriginal tongues of Van Diemen's Land I have stated that they A have three distinct langues languages among them. The original inhabitants of Van Diemen's Land are now nearly extinct, and how much soever, their extinction deportation may benefit the Colonists, yet humanity will shed a tear when contemplating on the unhappy state of mankind - that it should be necessary to commit evil, and that all cannot live in concord and brotherly love. The Philanthropist will mourn over a fallen race and lament over a race nation who which has been thus sweeped swept away from the face of the earth. No one of any sensibility can reflect unmoved on the instability of human life, and the miseries of human nature, which have so strongly exemplified in the present instance.
[Margin note]
have in their language a word for sulky. When in this humour it is best to leave them to their meditations, for if any one attempts to soothe them they get worse. If the sulks do not go off in a few days, they pine away and soon die. - a proof of strong feelings.