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From what has already been stated something may be gleaned of the manners and customs of the Aborigines of this island, but more is required.
I have remarked that the Aborigines have nothing among them in the shape of tradition, and a close attention to this may lead to very important results. If we refer to the history of nations, and to narratives of the earlier navigators and discoveries, we cannot find a single instance of a people having been met with who has es--lived in so perfect complete a state of nature as the savages of New Holland and Van Diemen's Land. All others have been found in a more or less advanced in civilization, even if of the rudest cast. Among also all those we find something which is termed tradition, but not so in South Australia. - It may therefore be reasonably be supposed that what has have hitherto been designated as traditionary tales, be are the mere inventions of man. Of this we have a remarkable instance in

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