Aborigines of Van Diemen's Land, 1830-1840 - Page 209
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about the neighbourhood of Waterhouse, where I had been stationed with a boat and crew and where is appears highly probable that a hope of this [venture?] would with judicious conduct and management be ultimately realized.
On the 9th of October I left Waterhouse accompanied by two native women and one of the Crew and I reached Tomahawk [River?] on the same day. On my arrival I fell in with a Sealers' boat with three men and a native woman. Shortly after I discovered a native [?smoke bearing?] to the Eastward near Ringarona
[Co iving?] that these might be same as Natives who had previously absconded from Mr Robinson I requested the assistance of the Sealers to go in pursuit of them. Two of them assisted and on the 10th, we reached the neighbourhood where the smoke had attracted us.
[undecipherable] came up with a stout Black about 22 years of age who informed us that he belongs to the Big River