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[Page 83]

November 1917
Aust same day so they ought to reach there well before Xmas.

13 to 16th
Have been rushing around saying our adieus & packing up ready for our move to Cairo. It is wonderful the amount of property different chaps have collected & are now discarding as they wont be able to remove it. The Tommies round about have been getting quite a haul. On Wednesday we did hard work as we had to load all our Records & truck them at the Station. We parade before the General in the morning & he gave us a speech. Said he was sorry to lose us etc. We left by the 11.30 train on Wednesday [14th] night. Quite a number of civilians were on the Station to see us off. Some of the chaps had made large numbers of friends including all nationalities. It was raining when we left. We had a horrible trip up to Cairo, but got there at 6 am on Thursday morning. We went to a AIF Headquarters Mess for breakfast & were busy

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