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May 1917
Austrian who was rather "fed up" of this war. He could speak splendid English The NZ screen this morning had a few casualties
Wednesday 16th
Half of B Troop went away at 9 oclock on a digging fatigue. In the afternoon the wind came up strong from the NE exactly the same as yesterday. The flies are breeding rapidly. In the morning if you get up early enough you can have breakfast with only a few flies. At noon, if you are feeling game enough, you can fight the flies for your lunch. In the evening, if you are sufficiently hungry not to mind ½ a pint of dust to flavour you stew with, you might make a fair meal.
Some of the 7th on patrol got heavily fired on by the Turks & had 2 men killed
Thursday 17th
In the morning the Regiment went through their gas test. It was carried out in the following manner. We marched up in Squadron column & a smoke bomb was thrown in front of us. The explosion was the sign of gas over & each man had to throw down his rifle & hat & get his helmet on if possible before the smoke from the bomb reached us. In the second test