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February 1917
brought in. Many have given themselves up since Rafa. They seem fairly well clothed & in good condition, but they were very hungry & thirsty.
Febry 5th
Got back to Mazar with the goods. Sent over to the camp for 2 timber waggons & soon had the things in the camp. We expect to be at Mazar only a few days. The farriers are very busy shoeing, so it looks like hard country for us.
Febry 6th
We are just doing a few patrols & a little outpost work & as the whole Brigade are here, it is very easy. The amount of work done out this way since we were here last is wonderful. It speaks wonders for British energy & organisation. Turkey's chances of getting into Egypt are getting more & more remote. It can never be more than a dream of theirs now. At night the Royal Welsh Fusiliers gave a Concert in the YMCA tent & it proved one of the best I have yet heard in Egypt. Their part singing was splendid. Many of their songs were sung in their own tongue, but that did not stop us from