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April 1917
& much anti fire. We had gas drill in the afternoon. Australian parcels & papers arrived today.
Saturday 14th
Early in the morning the enemy shelled the rail head with his long range guns. Little damage was done but the big clearing hospital got a few shells & had to shift to a more sheltered spot. Enemy aeroplanes dropped some bombs near the beach. Some of them fell in the sea a mile from the shore. The minesweepers created some interest in the afternoon. They were firing at something in the sea, but we couldn't see what! Our Regt moved out at 4 pm to support the Yeomanry on outpost.
Sunday 15th
The Regt got back into camp at 8 oclock. We were covered in dust & after breakfast we took all the horses into the sea.
Monday 16th
As a bombardment was expected we shifted our horses a couple of miles back for a few hours. In the afternoon we prepared to move out. It was 8 oclock when we left. The whole Division was moved together & we travelled all night reaching Shellal just after daylight. The ride was