Item 03: Gordon Macrae diary, 20 January 1917-18 April 1918 - Page 117
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[Page 117]
[The remaining pages are written in a French diary]
March 1918
Friday 22nd
Went round to the Warners after dinner.
Saturday 23rd
Went to the Races at Heliopolis in the afternoon. It was a splendid day & there was a big turn out. Backed 4 seconds & one winner.
Sunday 24th
First news of the German offensive on the west front this morning everyone is expectant. Worked in the morning & remained at home in the afternoon & evening.
Monday 25th
Usual routine.
Tuesday 26th
Genl Chauvel was to inspect this morning. He was in the office but inspection was postponed till Thursday. Got paid to day. Most of it went buying shirt for the summer. Worked back in the afternoon.
Wednesday 27th
Everybody is watching the Western Front & all the cables are eagerly read. A Further advance has been made over the Jordan. Our Regt is up that way now. Went to the Whist Drive at the Australian Soldiers Club at night. Met several Australian nurses there that I knew & had an enjoyable evening.