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[Page 47]

Wed 3rd
We received bad news today. A Regt of English Yeomanry cut up on the Canal the 5th Light Horse has been cut up on the canal & General Townsend has surrendered with 6 thousand troops;

Our kit bags were sent into Minia today; I have been very busy today getting things ready to go away; I am sorry we are leaving here as it is the best camp we have yet had but we have had a good spell & it is about time we had a little more excitement; A Sqd shifted to Shusha today & did not like going as they also have notice to be ready to move at any time;

£50 was missed today belonging to the Sqd & suspicion fell on Whitby (a batman), he was searched & an inquiry is being held, Whitby has been losing very heavy at two-up & everyone thinks he is guilty

[Refers to the surrender of 13,00 troops at Kut-al-Amara, 29 April 1916]

Current Status: 