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Tue 4th
Reference was made on orders this morning to the coming boxing tournament & seven men nominated today;
A patrol of 6th & 7th L.H. saw a patrol of Turks leaving Oghratina today when they were out on duty; A strong rumor is current amongst the officers that Romani will be attacked by the Turks before long but none of the lads will listen to it, & we all hope they do, as the country around here now is well fortified every sand hill is a "strong post" & practically impregnable against infantry & it is impossible to bring heavy guns across the desert, the railway line now runs well ahead of this camp & we think we shall soon have to make a camp at Oghratina leaving the English troops here to protect Romani;
Put tonight in at the Y.M.C.A. singing hymns & James gave a short address

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