Item 05: Fred Harold Tomlins war diary, 19 March-15 August 1916 - Page 112
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Wed 21st
We left Romani at 2.30 this morning & had a decent trip to Oghratina arriving at 8.30 & made ourselves as comfortable as the heat would allow in the shade of the palms; We are expecting a message all day from a scout aeroplane that went out this morning, but none came & we received a message per phone at 5.30 saying the scout was missing & another plane was coming out to look for her but only came as far as Qatia & dropped a message to the N.Z. troops there saying she could not go further as it was getting too dark & then went back to Romani for the night; Today has been one of the hottest we have yet had
The 3rd Regt is the advance party this time & went on to Debabis this morning; A good many lads have been going into hospital lately & 8 were sent back to Romani with the Camel transports this evening