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Wed 29th
Nelson turned up here this morning & we asked (Kamel) the owner of the village if we could use the top of one of the houses in the village to signal from & he said yes as long as he was always present when we wanted to go through the houses; We had no trouble to get in touch with Turkh-El-Kheil, but failed to get into communication with Ezbet-Soo-Doon & cannot understand why as I fancy we can see the village of Ezbet-Soo-Doon quite plainly through the glasses;

We were paid this morning & a good quantity of beer drank by some of the lads; Saddler Jones got fighting drunk & we decided to have some sport with him, so I challenged to box him & then went out to him after a very amusing round; Beer is now 7 PT a bottle & the Canteen owner made more money today than he has ever made before in his life

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