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May 25 Tuesday 1915
Sergeant Park buried 10 AM by Chaplain Robertson, The gun boat "Triumph"was sunk roday at 12. 30 PM only few drowned.
Raining hard.
Major Fuller inspecting trenches
The name Anzac Cove is so christened by the Australian & New Zealand.
Australian New Zealand Army Corps
A - Nz - A – C
In April number of the Queenslander it is stated that there were 70,600 troops including officers sent to the front to date.

May 26 Wednesday 1915
Strickland A Squadron injured during night.
Major Fuller in trenches all night
Atrill returned from Col Cox to-night
Cap Bruxner wounded\
Trooper Jeffries killed. Reinforcements arrived 2000 men under Major Shillington.
Whilst a number of Turks were running away from our men one of them
dropped a bayonet & stooped to pick it up one of our men stuck the
bayonet up the Turks behind & then fired needless to say there was little
of the Turk left.
J H Young, of Yeoman Cornish.

May 27 Thursday 1915
Iston of B. Squadron injured
Gun Boat "Majestic"torpodoed at Cape Ellis, the Captain ran her ashore most of the lives were saved.
Weather perfect. Food excellent & the health of the troops is A1.
Sapping in trenches daily, Tunnelling commenced to get in touch of enemy, Periscopes used extensively here.
Glass at each end of stick put at angles of 45 degrees.
Firing eased off

May 28 Friday 1915
Major Fuller & party inspecting trenches.
A number of men suffering from Poison due to fly bite which is most dangerous here on account of the numbers of dead lying about.
B Squadron man shot himself in arm
Night operations slack
Received letter & Qlander from M. dated 18th April
Fresh meat twice weekly given to troops very good

Current Status: 