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Oct. 30 Saturday 1915
working all day. went for swim with Pethard & Watkins this morning early 6 AM.
Grice returned to work this afternoon, The lads made a lot of fun out of his supposed madness.

This morning a number of sisters were in an Ambulance
Waggon driving from the 19th Gen Hosp when in crossing the line a train dashed into them & killed one sister outright & so injured another that she died the same night. The driver was seriously injured.
I went to the funeral on the day following (Sunday) |It was a pathetic sight to see all the nurses in different uniforms marching behind the coffin, besides Dr & Generals, Colonels & a host of others. Rev Watson conducted the service which was most impressive.

Oct. 31 Sunday 1915
Went for swim this morning.
Church both times, after evening service went to Y. M. C. A. for an hour.
Wrote Home to Maude & Harry sent Turkish map. writing book & photo's.
Went out to see Liet Drummond at 17th Gen. He is progressing well
Attended funeral of the late sisters who were killed.

Nov. 1 Monday 1915
Went out early this morning before breakfast to see the staff of police – re further witnesses left a letter for (Sergts Pro)
Working all day
There are large crowds of soldiers pouring in from France today on the road to Sonlonica in Greese enroute to Servia.
The Sultan left for Cairo.

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