Item 01: Henry Frederick Wallace Tucker diary, 14 September 1914-31 December 1915 - Page 24
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Jan. 26 Tuesday 1915
Weather hot today
Message from Ullysses calling in all Commonwealth money to be exchanged for "English"- before disembarking.
Further news about Naval Battle 11 British Wounded, German boats retreated as soon as fog lifted.
Jan. 27 Wednesday 1915
passed 2 islands called 2 Brothers 6. 30 AM arrive at the
Gulf of Suez 1 PM
Passed "Mt Sinins"at 4 PM high rugged but weather too thick to see clearly. Gulf narrowing down, desolate looking land each side.
Artoniac Light Houses dotted along at each point.
Jan. 28 Thursday 1915
Arrived at mouth of Suez at 4 AM dropped anchor Gun boat examining the fleet at 6. 30AM
French Dreadnought laying in Canal on Guard.
All transports must protect Captains Bridge Hospital, & Steering Gear, with Sand Bags going through Canal against Rifle Fire.
Bags of Chaff are being utilized. All men must keep below decks.
All Ships are fitted up here with Search Lights. ,
Jan. 29 Friday 1915
The Fleet left Suez at 9. 15 headed by Ulyssus- Themosticles. all in single file. News just received that 150,000 Turks are entrenched 9 miles from here on the opposite Bank of Canal the British, Australian, Indian troops are Stationed. Sharp engagement yesterday. Turks losing heavily.
Each boat 800 yds apart. Last boat to enter Canal 11 AM. Canal entrenched Military making every preparation against attacks
Anchored at the "Bitter Lakes"about 30 miles through Canal for the Night – owing to nearness of Enemy. .
Packing up Luggage