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August 31 Tuesday 1915
Working all day. Was on guard till lunch time. It is remarkable the number of telegrams & cablegrams that arrive here for wounded men. The trouble is that we do not know how to find their address without their unit or number. people persist in sending letters parcels & cablgrams over here, & often neglect to put the unit to which the individual belongs, & we simply have to return the mail to Australia as "insufficiently addressed. "The man's name is not so important as the regiment or battalion, to which he belongs, & he has every chance of receiving his letter if these particulars are remembered
Sept. 1 Wednesday 1915
Very heavy heap of letters arrived, asking for parcels etc. It takes me all day to read the different letter & register the man's name & address in the Book. Just found out that a number of the men on the Staff, are suffering from Gonerear, they have now at night to go to a medical man & be operated upon, otherwise their condition would become known. One would think that men here would restrain from going with Bad Women, after seeing their mates in such agony & torture, but it is all taken as a huge joke.
Posted a letter to Mrs Robson
Sept. 2 Thursday 1915
Very heavy list from men & hospitals arrived, have to work early & late. On taking my early morning walk I passed an ambulance waggon loaded with nurses returning from their night duties in one of the hospitals. It is usual to to find our sisters bright & pretty & fresh but these poor girls seem to have had a heavy nights work, for they were simply done up. Some were lying on others & one or two seemed fast asleep sitting up. If ever I see the Kingdon of Heaven I feel certain that my eyes will look upon many sisters I have met here below.
Sept. 3 Friday 1915
Working hard all day registering the names of wounded & sick. Poor little Watkins had to go to Mustapha Con Home to rest as the wound was troubling him. Brave lad only 18, was in the thick of it for 6 weeks & received 3 bullet holes. Part of his testicles were blown away & a hole bored through the thigh & out of his rump. He tells us of the bayonet charge & how a big Turk came on him & he thrust the steel through the fellows eyes into the brain. I felt so sorry afterwards, the lad said, what a pity men are born to kill one another