State Library of NSW
[Page 21]
2.4.16Sun 2ndNothing of any consequence happened today; The weather rather warm; Maj. Smith went to A Sqd & McIntosh & McMahon were sent to hospital at Minia with a bad eye & injured knee respectively; Beer was 7 PT per bottle here & the Sergeants got some out from Minia & was selling it for 6PT & brought the price of the Canteen down
3.4.16Mon 3rd5 oclock reveille this morning & is to be from now on; The troops do one hours musketry every morning before breakfast, & a route march this morning after breakfast; It seems unnecessary to give them so much work when they have been so long in the Army & the days are too hot for comfort when doing no work.Baxter took sick a couple of days ago & has pulled out of the Sigs, I give them work daily
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