Item 05: Fred Harold Tomlins war diary, 19 March-15 August 1916 - Page 10

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[Page 10]

Fri 24th
Put in a quiet day under the palm trees teaching the new hands how to wag a flag; Sergeant Warden went to Tukh-El-Khail this morning & I asked him to bring out form for me from the Orderly. I filled it in this evening & took it to Major Smith & asked him to recommend me for a commission as a Signalling Officer & he promised he would forward the form with his recommendation tomorrow;

The Troop had musketry again this morning & a route march again this afternoon; The weather is getting very warm; An order came today to say applications for transfers to the Artillery Column would be considered; Received a parcel of socks, balaclava & mittens from home today.

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