State Library of NSW
[Page 169]
4-8-16at times, & then the Turkish artillery got the range of our led horses & played havoc with them but very few of the men leading them were hit Brigades of Turkish infantry could be seen coming up to reinforce them & at 7 oclock we received the order to retire the whole of Head Quarters were in the firing line, & Nelson & I were the two last to retire from our end of the line.
The machine guns & shrapnel fire was very heavy as we retired & we were under a heavy fire right back to the horses (3/4 of a mile) Nelson had retired 100 yards & I was about to follow when he fell hit by a machine gun bullet in the foot I ran over to him & pulled his legging & boot off & dressed the wound & called to Rich (H.Q.) & we started to help Nelson back, we were on our own as the rest had all retired & the Turks
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