Item 01: Henry Frederick Wallace Tucker diary, 14 September 1914-31 December 1915 - Page 26

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[Page 26]

Jan. 30 Saturday 1915
Weighed anchor at 8. 30 AM. Canal strongly guarded by Bengal Lancers Colonal Troops, & British. Wire entanglements & trenches prominently in view.
Search lights installed at different centres. Camels, mules & horses are picqueted at different camps.
Enemy within 2 miles of Canal. The Sudaneze soldiers mustering to attack. Everything is prepared. French gun boats anchored different points along Canal. Passed township Ismalia half way through Canal. Train communication from Port Said.
At present there are 125,000 British troops against 150,000 Turkish.
Arrived at Port Said 8 PM. Anchored in inlet off Canal. Large and small vessels of every kind waiting here

Jan. 31 Sunday 1915
Large Hydro plane passed over Canal early this morning.
Kyarra Hospital Ship passed us 9 AM en route Australia with Syffisess cases aboard 800 men 21 officers.
There are large stacks of salt piled around Port Said, they look like white Houses in the distance.
We took on 220 tons coal, as the Fleet have to return to Australia immediately.

Feb. 1 Monday 1915
Weighed anchor 9. 30 AM for Alexandria 12 hours run. No leave granted whilst in Port Said.
Passed by monument erected to the memory of Frenchman Ferrtinand Delessee who was the Engineer of work of Canal.
Travelling slowly as we have not to arrive at Warf before 7 AM
Tuesday, passed another French gun boat with large brass plate engraved
Fear God & Honor the King.

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