State Library of NSW
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May 15 Saturday 1915Preparing to leave tonight 8. 30 PMWrote to M. sent Post Cards etc. went into Cairo on Business for Major Fuller returned 2. 30 PMPacked up everything Sent 2 tin trunks to "Cooks Agency"left again for Cairo 5. 30 PM completed business, met Brigade at Railway, when we all entrained for Alexander leaving station 12. 30 AM midnight.Victor Corwas was there to see us off, He was quite upset on our departure. Good fellow most willing to do anything to make our stay in Cairo pleasantMiss Mitchell of "The Russel Soldiers Home"was most kind, && is a friend worth having. I will never forget the last evening (tonight) we met.
May 16 Sunday 1915\Arrived Alexander 5. 30 AM embarked at once on board troop ship German captured liner NorthdeucheHyds "Lutzow"Lifted anchor 5. 30 PM bound for Dardinelles had on board over 3,000 men Sea smooth
May 17 Monday 1915Sea smooth on Guard all day over Col & Major CabinShaved all hair off HeadReported Italy had declared War.
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