State Library of NSW
[Page 84]
May 11 Tuesday 1915Mounted parade this morning from 6 AM to 8 AMStrong winds blowing clouds of dustOrders just received 10. 30 AM from Brigade Headquarters for the 3Regiments to stand ready to move on short notice preparations pushed on all day
May 12 Wednesday 1915Exercising horses this morning3 Officers to stay behind with horses & men. Lieu Chisholm, Lieu Deane, & Cap O'Brien,sorting out gear & preparing to pack up. Received letters from M. & Mother dated 11th April
May 13 Thursday 1915Major Fuller Lieu Cross Lieu Cork left 5 AM for Rifle Range & will put through all reinforcements in musketryRemainder of men packing up saddles – equippment to leave behind
May 14 Friday 1915Brigade packing up all day.I went into Cairo to secure necessary articles for Major Fuller including Rodger & Galleys Soap, cough mixture, tobacco,& fixing his electric torch.
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