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August 14 Saturday 1915
A large number of soldiers just passed by bound for the Dardinelles. We hear there is a good deal of fighting over there now: The Turks are making a stubborn resistance. All the 6th ALH Regiment have left for the front under Capt Obrien except the transport Drivers. The looking after the horses & camp is done by the reinforcements.
A cablegram just to hand for a Major who recently was over in Gallipolli fighting, but now in Alexander lying at the point of death owing to a bullet passing through his head. This cable is from a mother in Australia, thanking him from the bottom of her heart for the full information sent as to how her boy died & was laid to rest. The poor major will never it is feared realize how a mother appreciates his kindness, for soon after he was hit & lies unconscious. We have to hold all such communication & many are the letters & cablegrams which tell of acts of kindness, which the world never knows.
Worked back tonight so as to get Sunday off.
August 15 Sunday 1915
Went to "Scots"Church this morning subject, Crossbearing & Obedience.
After dinner went out to Noosa Gardens which is combined with Zoo. The whole arrangement is most pleasing to the eye. The wealth of the foliage is beyond description. The zoo is on a very small scale & scattered over the gardens. Water can be secured for the plants & vegetables in abundance as the canal is close by.
I met in the tram one of the men who has been driving an Air o plane over the Dardinelles since 28th March, taking observations, & throwing bombs in enemy trenches. His name is "Varley"nephew of Henry Varley the Great Evangilist. He is on 10 day leave, & gave me a most vivid picture of the positions now held by us.
Went to Scots Church tonight English Wesleyan Minister Preached, gave splendid address on "The Beauty of the Lord"
August 16 Monday 1915
Working all day. Received a letter from M. dated 4th July (all well)
Worked back late tonight to get the Books straight.
Coporal Grice went up to Cairo on Business today