State Library of NSW
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June 19 Saturday 1915Capt Sommerville was ordered to Cape Ellis on Official Business returned tonight with eggs, butter, vinegar & condensed milk, Paper & envelopes.We shifted camp today 9 AM to a point about a mile toward Cape Ellis just opposite where a torpedo boat lies nearly hidden having struck a rock.Completed the remove at 5. 30 PM. Shells flying over us & bursting close at hand late in the afternoon. After tea Major Fuller with 200 men left camp as a fatigue party to dig a trench from ours to the Turks, they worked all night arriving back at daybreak Sunday.The 2nd Light Horse Brigade came together today. The 5th & 7th are in the trenches & the 6th are resting after 4 weeks trench work.The men could not complete thir work, so have to continue tonight (Sunday. )The system adopted by the signallers to communicate with Headquarters is telephone principally. The line is laid on shrubs & bushes & stretched across gorges, & can be easily removed or erected. The reel on which the wire is rolled is fastened to a mans belt under arm, & can be ran out as fast as he can walk.
June 20 Sunday 1915Men spending quiet day in camp. Shells occasionally bursting over us.Telephone erected to 6th LH camp.Not feeling too well todayAnother party of 200 men left tonight 8 PM for to complete the trench digging under Major WhiteService was held tonight conducted by Chaplain Robertson.Wrote home today.
June 21 Monday 1915Mail closes early today for AustraliaFatigue parties erecting Orderly Room & Dining room for Officers.Went to see Captain [indecipherable] re my health. Told me to go off duty at once as I was quite unfit.After lunch packed up kit & went to Beach. saw Major Richards was ordered to Fleet sweeper arriving at 10 PM Lifted anchor 2 AM for Lemnos arriving there 8. 30 AM
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