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Received 2 letters together from Will & Mother-very old.
Received letter today from Home dated 1-8-15
Sept. 7 Tuesday 1915
Quite a change in weather today cool & strong wind from the sea. Went out after tea to the hospital to see young Watkins, & took him some letters from home. 6 New men taken on the staff today as the work is much heavier. Will Pethard & I went to interview Major Weddell of the 7 Batt as to how W. P. could get over to the front again. I have strongly persuaded our friend not to go, but he insists that it is his duty so, Major Waddell is going to recommend him, though we all think he has done his duty there, & is doing it hard.
Sept. 8 Wednesday 1915
Working all day. To get up with the lists at hand. We go back till about 9PM at night Cpl Banks discharged, & for refusing to obey an order was put into the "Main Guard"
Capt Verge Dr of the 6th Rgt died at 19 Gen Hosp today. He was a young man in the prime of life, & had a golden future before him, but strong drink was his downfall, He comes from Kempsey NS Wales, & had plenty of this Worlds Goods.
Took washing to laundry
Sept. 9 Thursday 1915
Heavy wind blowing the sea breaking over the breakwater with much force. The spray is driven over a wide street
About this date I saw shell that Pethard said was taken from sack Wrapper.
Sept. 10 Friday 1915
Heavy lists in, & work getting behind. Spoke plainly this afternoon about the slackness of the men & others are being put on in the clerks place tomorrow. Women & beer seem to be the one topic of these men.